Dare to be a Disciple


Giving Up Everything (Apache) 9.24.23

Pastor Gary Lupe
So, you want to be a disciple of Jesus. Have you considered the cost of following in his footsteps? It is a serious commitment. Jesus wants you. All of you. Jesus tells everyone to think carefully before they take up their cross and walk with him. You may get motivated and inspired with sayings like “when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” The fact of the matter is for many, when the going gets tough, they wimp out, go home, sit in an easy chair, break out the snacks, and turn on the television. That is why Jesus encourages you to consider what you are getting into before you start so you don’t give up and not finish what you start. Jesus says to those who want to be his disciple, “Give up everything.” It does not say “be willing to” but to give up father, mother, spouse, children, brother, sister, even your very life. If we desire to be a disciple, we will leave everything so Jesus alone will be our only thing.
Sunday, September 24, 2023


Dare to be a Disciple

Have you ever wondered how many people Jesus approached and said, “Follow me”? Remember those he called as he walked along the Sea of Galilee? The brothers Peter and Andrew heard and accepted his invitation leaving their fishing nets. Shortly after James and John walked away from their father in his boat to walk with Jesus. Not everyone was so eager to be a disciple of Jesus. The rich young man was curious to be with Jesus until he was told he needed to sell all his possessions. Another could not walk away from family without saying good bye. There is a cost involved with following Jesus. The Savior is aware of the challenges being a student of the Master Teacher brings. He often explained the hardships, hostility, and even hatred his students would encounter. Yet he continued to say, “Follow me.” In the weeks ahead Jesus invites us to do just that and dare to be his disciple.

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