
Our Programs

We have three programs within our Adult Ministry. These programs are designed to help adults grow spiritually through the word of God and become leaders in their communities, church and home.

Apache Training School

Our Apache Training School exists to equip Native American Christians for Christian leadership in congregations and schools on the Fort Apache and San Carlos Reservations and beyond. This program contains a wide variety of in depth Bible studies.

Adults can study to strengthen their faith or for a leadership role in their local congregation. There are courses and program arrangements that allow a man or woman to study to become an Evangelist or Deaconess as a full or part time ministry in the Lutheran Church.

The ACTS Director is available to assist congregations in:

  • planning for the future
  • strengthening men and women's group
  • building up a strong church council
  • equipping Sunday School teachers
  • structuring a youth program
  • preparing to bring ACTS classes to their local congregation
  • facilitating future growth programs
  • assessing ministry
  • and more

The director and coordinator of all ACTS is Pastor John Holtz.

Bible Information Class

Each Lutheran Congregation on the Apache Reservations conducts adult Bible classes that cover all the doctrines (teachings) of the Holy Bible. This class is conducted by local pastors with seminary training and equipped through various continuing educational offerings. At the end of the class all will have a solid knowledge of all biblical teachings.

Through these classes, adults have the opportunity to confirm their Christian faith and become an active member of a WELS Lutheran Church.

Members will desire to strengthen their faith on a regular basis by continued contact in worship and Bible study.

Recovery Ministry

Do you or someone you love have trouble with alcohol, drugs, or anger?

Do you feel like your life is out of control and unmanageable?

Have you been a victim of violence or have suffering and pain in life that just won't go away?

Learn More
