Recovery Ministry

Celebrate Recovery

This ministry exists to provide accountability, spiritual encouragement, safe sharing if desired, and Bible Study to adults suffering from any variety of hurting relationships (domestic abuse, pornography, sexual abuse, and other harmful habits).

  • Do you or someone you love have trouble with alcohol, drugs or anger?
  • Do you feel like your life is out of control and unmanageable?
  • Have you been a victim of violence?
  • Do you have suffering and pain in life that just won't go away? 

There is help and hope!

God's grace provides healing from life's hurts, habits and hangups. People come together in a safe, confidential, and supportive environment to seek hope and comfort from God and to help each other.

  • The leaders of this ministry are in recovery.
  • They've been in your shoes.
  • They understand and they have a passion for helping others. 

Prayer Request

If you'd like to get connected to one of our leaders in a private way or you just want someone to pray for you, use the form below.
