Liar Liar


Wrinkle-free: I must be Perfect! (English) 6.11.23

Pastor Dave Bostedt
Wrinkle Free - “I must be perfect” - How many times have you found yourself depressed because you “can’t do anything right.” How many times have you said “I’ll just do it myself” because no one can meet your high standards. How many times have you wondered “what’s wrong with me” when you haven’t accomplished something you thought you should? If you have, you believe you must be perfect and that’s a lie. Truth is there is something terribly wrong with us, and when we swallow our pride and unmask this lie with God’s truth we will see that who I am and what I do has nothing to do with me.
Sunday, June 11, 2023


Liar Liar

You are being lied to...and you are the guilty party! The truth is, no one lies to you more than you do. And when you believe your own lies, your capacity for happiness and wholeness shrinks. Don't believe it? Maybe some of these sound familiar: "I need everyone to like me... Bad decisions don't have a consequence if no one knows about them... My anger is someone else's fault... I have to succeed at everything I do... All my marriage problems are my spouse's fault... But I have to..." You guessed it. Lies, lies, and more lies. In this message series, we'll explore some of the lies that we believe and learn how to replace them with the truth. Overall: The lies you believe will marginalize and erode your spiritual, emotional, and physical health

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