Liar Liar


Liar Liar - Coming Clean (English) 6.4.23

Pastor Kirk Massey
Coming Clean - “I won’t tolerate being lied to!” Fact is most of us don’t because lying is one of life’s greatest relationship killers. Yet how often do you lie? And not just to others, but to yourself? Perhaps the deadliest of all lies are not spoken to others, but the ones that we believe because of how they affect our emotions and reactions. And when we believe them (and all of us do), they will marginalize our spiritual, emotional, and physical health. The only way to deal with these lies is to come clean and expose them with the truth of God’s Word because it is the only thing that sets us free.
Sunday, June 4, 2023


Liar Liar

You are being lied to...and you are the guilty party! The truth is, no one lies to you more than you do. And when you believe your own lies, your capacity for happiness and wholeness shrinks. Don't believe it? Maybe some of these sound familiar: "I need everyone to like me... Bad decisions don't have a consequence if no one knows about them... My anger is someone else's fault... I have to succeed at everything I do... All my marriage problems are my spouse's fault... But I have to..." You guessed it. Lies, lies, and more lies. In this message series, we'll explore some of the lies that we believe and learn how to replace them with the truth. Overall: The lies you believe will marginalize and erode your spiritual, emotional, and physical health

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