Songs from the Heart


What a Friend we Have in Jesus (English) 8.27.23

Pastor Dave Bostedt
Six times. Six times in this very beloved hymn we sing the word prayer. This hymn is included in the section of our hymnal entitled just that: PRAYER. And it’s in the TLH where we find the very verse ascribed to this hymn: “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Wow, what a promise, hey? Whatever we ask for we will receive? Before we jump to conclusions, let’s jump into the story. This story in Matthew 21: 18-22 may be one that surprises you a little bit. Why? Because something in the story seems a bit uncharacteristic of Jesus: his words. In fact, his words may even give you pause to wonder what this was all about. Jesus’ words may sound, well, a bit harsh. “May you never bear fruit again!” Wait, who’s he talking to? Not who, what. Jesus is talking to…a tree. A tree with leaves but no fruit. Jesus spoke and the tree withered. Huh? What are we to learn from this? I’m glad you asked. Because both this story and the hymn that we have before us today point us to this intriguing topic of prayer and the Friend that Jesus is to hear them. Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? The prayers on your heart land in Jesus’. When Jesus answers, mountains move. What a Friend we have in Jesus.
Sunday, August 27, 2023


Songs from the Heart

Introduction: The song in the Christian heart. Ah, yes, its melody is beautiful, its words, stunning. It’s a song like none other. Dear Christian, that song is there in your heart and on your lips because, well, God put it there. There was a man named David who we find out had been in the “slimy pit, mud and mire of life.” (Psalm 40:2). But then God lifted him out and “set his feet on a rock” and gave him a “firm place to stand.” But that wasn’t all. God did more. David tells it like this: “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.” (Psalm 40:3). The new song? The hymn of praise? The song of salvation. God has forgiven our sins! He has removed our guilt! He has conquered death and defeated the devil! Jesus sovereignly rules our lives and masterfully works all things for good. He is preparing our eternal home! My, oh, my, our Lord has done - and is doing - marvelous things! What David did - we can do: Sing. Praise. Worship. Give glory to our Lord Jesus who also put a new song and hymn of praise in our mouth! We will have the opportunity to do just that with our 4-part sermon series called, “Songs from the Heart.” Alongside the designated sermon text from Scripture, these are the hymns upon which we will focus: How Great Thou Art Precious Lord Take My Hand What a Friend We Have in Jesus Amazing Grace David had reason to sing. Thanks to Jesus, we do, too.

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