Songs from the Heart


How Great Thou Art (Apache) 8.13.2023

Pastor Gary Lupe
How Great Thou Art. What a hymn! It’s moving. It’s powerful. Oh, the greatness of God. Look at the works of his hands: The stars. The thunder. The universe. The woods. The birds. Using the author’s own words, I scarce can take it in. (CW 256:3). But notice carefully when the author says those words. It’s not when he looks at the beautiful creation, but it’s when he starts to ponder the mind-boggling truth that God did not spare His own Son but sent him to die. Wow. I, too, can scarce to take it in. And that’s why today – and all days - we stand in awesome wonder. Standing in wonder at the greatness of God is exactly what the disciples were doing when they heard Jesus rebuke an evil spirit, cast it out, and heal a boy. “They were all amazed at the greatness of God.” (v.43). But while they were marveling at such greatness, Jesus says, “you aint seen nothing yet.” Well, ok, that’s my loose paraphrase of this: “Listen carefully to what I am about to tell you: The son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men.” Understand what Jesus was saying? Well, even if you don’t, the disciples didn’t either. They needed more teaching and more time with this Jesus. And soon after, Jesus gave them another lesson on what true greatness really is. Oh, Jesus, How Great Thou Art.
Sunday, August 13, 2023


Songs from the Heart

Introduction: The song in the Christian heart. Ah, yes, its melody is beautiful, its words, stunning. It’s a song like none other. Dear Christian, that song is there in your heart and on your lips because, well, God put it there. There was a man named David who we find out had been in the “slimy pit, mud and mire of life.” (Psalm 40:2). But then God lifted him out and “set his feet on a rock” and gave him a “firm place to stand.” But that wasn’t all. God did more. David tells it like this: “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.” (Psalm 40:3). The new song? The hymn of praise? The song of salvation. God has forgiven our sins! He has removed our guilt! He has conquered death and defeated the devil! Jesus sovereignly rules our lives and masterfully works all things for good. He is preparing our eternal home! My, oh, my, our Lord has done - and is doing - marvelous things! What David did - we can do: Sing. Praise. Worship. Give glory to our Lord Jesus who also put a new song and hymn of praise in our mouth! We will have the opportunity to do just that with our 4-part sermon series called, “Songs from the Heart.” Alongside the designated sermon text from Scripture, these are the hymns upon which we will focus: How Great Thou Art Precious Lord Take My Hand What a Friend We Have in Jesus Amazing Grace David had reason to sing. Thanks to Jesus, we do, too.

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