Dear Church


Thyatira (English)

Pastor Kirk Massey
We need to be reminded who’s in charge. People often want to sit in God’s place: to set the agenda for their lives, to be the boss. But Jesus is the King of Kings, and he sits on the throne. For those who want control, this is terrifying. For those who know Jesus’ grace, this is the greatest comfort of all: Jesus is in charge
Sunday, May 15, 2022


Dear Church

The Christian church seems like it’s in trouble. Churches are shrinking. There are divisions, conflicts, and fights within Christian communities. Enemies from outside are assaulting God’s people. What are Christians supposed to do and to think about all this? Is this the kind of group that we want to be a part of? Jesus writes seven letters to seven ancient churches, and through these words provides encouragement to Christian churches throughout the ages.

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